Dr. Ken Blanchard is the co-founder and Chief Spiritual Officer of The Ken Blanchard Companies and co-author of the iconic 1982 classic, The One Minute Manager. In the past three decades, Ken has authored or coauthored 60 books whose combined sales total more than 23 million copies. His groundbreaking works have been translated into more than 42 languages. In 2005 Ken was inducted into Amazon’s Hall of Fame as one of the top 25 bestselling authors of all time. Randy Conley is the Vice President of Client Services and Trust Practice Leader at The Ken Blanchard Companies and co-author of the new book, Simple Truths of Leadership.
On this episode, we discussed how Ken and Randy developed the lessons of their new book, how they see leadership show up in their own lives, and what they hope rising leaders might learn from their work. Ken shares some key lessons from his many years as a leading thinker and teacher on leadership. Additionally, Ken and Randy give insight into how they approach the book writing process and share their advice for organizations that want to better serve their people.