Abilitie Wins 2020 Training Industry Magazine Network Choice Award
We are proud to announce that Abilitie was selected as a recipient of the 2020 Training Magazine Network Choice Awards in the Leadership Development category.
Abilitie was one of a handful of companies chosen to be recognized by the Training Magazine Network for our leadership development offerings. We are excited to be in the company of organizations doing such great work to develop leaders as the American Management Association, Franklin Covey, the Ken Blanchard Companies, and others.
The Training Magazine Network Choice Awards program is now in its 2nd year, with more than 6,400 ballots cast. The Leadership Development award is a new category for 2020.
While it is always a pleasure to be recognized for our work, it’s particularly exciting to be recognized in this list of more than 400 companies as a premier solution by our peers and partners. In the words of Training Magazine Publisher Lori Gardner: “This was such an important year to let the training and learning community share with one another about the products and tools that help them accomplish their work. And, in turn, to create a positive way to appreciate the vendors who so quickly adapted to meet new needs and demands.”
This year has been a challenge for everyone and we are thrilled to know that so many in the broader Learning and Development community have found value in partnering with us this year. We are impressed with and inspired by the resilience of learning leaders at our client organizations as well as our peers in the L&D provider community.
To learn more about the Training Magazine Network Choice Awards, click here. Voting for next year’s awards begins on March 15, 2021.